Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022Liked by Paul Wells

Cher Paul, excellent article. Je suis un ‘ptit gars de Loretteville et je suis très impressionné de votre maitrise de la langue de Molière!

J’ai hâte a votre prochain article.

Bien à vous et merci.

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You’re bang on in observing that the time for big dreams has been eclipsed by the era of dealing with immediate needs. A reflection of our shortened attention spans and modern me-firstism?

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Thanks for the french version. I need the practice.

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E comes before F in the English dictionary,and besides I didn’t leave Quebec in the 70’s to get more French!....no French please I live in ‘the rest of Canada.’

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Great stuff! Your grasp of historical context is superb and sorely needed. Oh, and the humour helps too

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It seems to me that you are a bit disappointed that people are no longer asked to show their vaccination status. As one of your subscriber, I am not interested about your vaccination status. It is personal information. However, I am interested about what you think about our future in Canada and the health of our democracy. It is very damaged in my views. And the infringement of the Constitution and people fundamental rights is appalling. I wonder why you don’t write anything about this!?

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C'est tragique ce qui arrive, et je penses que les gouvernements vont seulement aggrandir le conflit avec leurs peuples.

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Great article, and even more interesting in both languages...loved "la caravane caquiste", sometimes French can be much pithier than English!

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Excellent article en français et excellente analyse Bravo! . Prochaine étape commentateur à la joute à TVA , ce serait intéressant :) :P

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Thanks for the article. I don’t read in French often (always takes me a bit longer) but I really liked this one. I found that I could tell it was you writing, even in French.

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Fantastic article Paul, in both languages! I read through and <<mostly>> understood in French, then verified/clarified in English.

As an Anglo francophile I’m curious:

Do you fully write in French and translate to English or the other way around? In any case your command of both languages is impressive!

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Current events can be interesting and informative when presented in a reasonable way, without flash and fear. Thank you, Paul.

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De mon nid-de-pie en Ontario Français je croyais que la loi 96 était beaucoup plus la pomme de discorde au Québec pour cette élection. Sur sa tournée, est-ce-que Legault se fait questionner ou supporter à ce sujet?

Il semble que divers paliers du gouvernement fédéral s’apprêtent à contester le projet de loi dans l'avenir prochain. Surement que le prochain gouvernement Québécois va se faire taxer son temps soit à défendre la loi où à répondre à la pression fédérale. Si Legault n'y porte peu attention, est-ce parce qu'il veut se montrer pro-fédéraliste, ou parce qu'il n'a pas le goûts de se battre pour son projet?

P.S. "pomme de discorde" ne fait vraiment pas parti de mon vocabulaire, mais je trouve que c'est une traduction appropriée pour "wedge issue". Merci Linguée!

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When, do you think, he intends to separate...?

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