Add to that, that the only person to do anything useful early on was that 21-year-old lady who, having suffered several nights of horn-honking, went out and secured an injunction against it. Something that could have been done by City Council, of course, but it was too taken with pearl-clutching deer-in-the-headlights blather while liste…
Add to that, that the only person to do anything useful early on was that 21-year-old lady who, having suffered several nights of horn-honking, went out and secured an injunction against it. Something that could have been done by City Council, of course, but it was too taken with pearl-clutching deer-in-the-headlights blather while listening to Chief of Police Hug-a-Bunny complaining of being overwhelmed (after not having taken the elementary precaution of blocking off streets leading to the Parliamentary Precinct before the truckers got here, causing the misery in the first place). As I said, a whole Harvard Business School course in municipal incompetence.
I don't attribute the Chief's mismanagement to incompetence. I believe Trudeau and others wanted escalation. There were only three ways out of it for Trudeau: either he could admit the mandates are nonsense, but the truckers would appear to have won; he could talk with the truckers, but doing so would be an admission that their grievances are valid; or turn the event into a political crisis such that he appears, to his base, as the saviour. For a narcissist like Trudeau, the latter option was his preferred course of action.
Add to that, that the only person to do anything useful early on was that 21-year-old lady who, having suffered several nights of horn-honking, went out and secured an injunction against it. Something that could have been done by City Council, of course, but it was too taken with pearl-clutching deer-in-the-headlights blather while listening to Chief of Police Hug-a-Bunny complaining of being overwhelmed (after not having taken the elementary precaution of blocking off streets leading to the Parliamentary Precinct before the truckers got here, causing the misery in the first place). As I said, a whole Harvard Business School course in municipal incompetence.
I don't attribute the Chief's mismanagement to incompetence. I believe Trudeau and others wanted escalation. There were only three ways out of it for Trudeau: either he could admit the mandates are nonsense, but the truckers would appear to have won; he could talk with the truckers, but doing so would be an admission that their grievances are valid; or turn the event into a political crisis such that he appears, to his base, as the saviour. For a narcissist like Trudeau, the latter option was his preferred course of action.