What a voice--her's! (well, yours, too.)

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Beautiful piece-a revelation. Have you heard the Big Bang version of Rhapsody in Blue featuring Jon Kimura Parker? It was also up for a Juno. Invigorating. And they said the Covid era would be a musical desert. It has inspired some great creativity!

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Paul, to parrot Nobina, "great news on the subscription numbers, Paul."

I am not a resident of Ontario so I don't, as they say, have a dog in this fight [a metaphor that will absolutely get me in trouble with the PETA folks] but I found your analysis very interesting. I got to thinking about what, if anything, that might mean for the federal scene and I am honestly flummoxed at the thought of civility breaking out. Eager, but flummoxed.

As for the music, it is late right now so that will be a project for tomorrow.

Again, Sir, congratulations on the numbers. Now, if only you can convert some of the freeloaders to paying customers. I suggest that you might point out that said freeloaders are typical Canadians, all too eager to tell the world what wonderful people we are but always in the bathroom when the bill comes [thanks to Matt Gurney for that particular metaphor].

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Love your thoughtful, insightful writing. Love this format. Thank you for introducing me to Emily D’Angelo. I was mesmerized by the beauty and purity of her voice.

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Like a good book Paul ,I was down the rabbit hole listening to the evocative voice of Emily D'Angelo and was entranced by The Lotus Eaters - thank you . As for the debate ,a palette something like the colour of potato skins comes to mind for me . Wondering if we may in fact be seeing even more blandness in the future with the control of what will be "allowed " to be discussed and/ or debated; I hear the tougher questions asked of political people in my alternative news sources and it's informative. As for Horvath, when I wrote her asking about mandates, I got a form letter back asking me to donate to her party - hey , a head scratcher , ,but at least a letter . Del Duca - same letter about mandates - nada - but yet he wants to vaccinate anything with a heart. However , Doug Ford's form letter had Doug's finger prints all over it -was a "lovely" form letter with hints of an EQ. Based on form letters alone, I understand why people like Doug Ford. Kind of wishing there was a 18 Wheeler Party with a candidate running who would actually talk about our changing Canada and what will be our new future .

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I would rather swan-dive into an empty pool repeatedly if the other choice was to watch a Canadian election debate. And THIS debate was characterized as bland. Yikes. On the other hand, Paiken and Raj are generally good at what they do.

And: Emily d'Angelo is pretty good. May check her out. Of course, due to being a Canadian artist, I've never heard of her...

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You captured the candidates well. I do wonder though if possibly Ontario's electorate aren't becoming less bland.

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Thanks for the intro to Emily. Wow. I thought the Green Party leader was very effective last night. I also think Ford has done a pretty good job with Covid and he certainly is fighting for new jobs which is the best way to bring people out of the doldrums. The others have good ideas for new spending but it is so important to get people back to work and green up the economy, such as the electric vehicle thing.

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Keep the "goat farm" !! Very descriptive and effective. Had me laughing out loud

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Great news on the subscription numbers, Paul. Quite agree with your debate analysis, but would have liked to hear your views on Green Party leader, who handled himself well in the debate. Too bad the moderators did not raise the issue of the convoys and blockades under the theme on leadership. Ontario voters may be bland, but they also appear to have short memories.

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Thank you for the musical treats, it’s the After Eight …………lovely

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