A very real and very dangerous Looming Energy Crisis caused by an Imaginary Climate Crisis

Richard S. Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, MIT

The Imaginary Climate Crisis

The modern day equivalent of Eugenics

- Why Elites are so easily fooled


Ps Solar in Canada is nonsense

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Pleased to get the music stuff. I have been listening to the Beethoven string quartets for 30 years and they are never less interesting each time. Glad to get your notes on this.

As for the climate bit he said it all here:

"It's going to be a thing we're going to have to mitigate in a whole bunch of ways. On the other hand, the really apocalyptic stuff is looking less and less likely."

Put that at the top and the rest of what he says becomes pretty redundant.

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''because as is well known, the police in police states usually skip the chamber-music concerts. ''

Great line, like we used to say : the members of the Red Army Choir all hate music and singing, they were forced into it by the Commies !

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"Not quite as good as their ambition."

There's a future for this man in the diplomatic corps.

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The clip of Andante Moderato was simply beautiful.

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Playing chamber music, as an amateur, has dramatically enriched my life, and provided me with the challenges of learning how to play musical instruments. I cannot overstate the joy that this activity has provided, and enthusiastically encourage anyone that it is never too late in life to take up an instrument. Its also good for your brain!

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"Some of the best music by Beethoven or Shostakovich was written for one or a few players, much of Bach’s for musicians playing alone." Eg. The Bach Cello Suites, which Sirius XM has been seriously flogging the last while. One musician, one instrument, one note at a time, and still some of the most complex and challenging music ever written.

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Paul (please forgive the informality), you are correct: I did, indeed, subscribe for the political comment for which you are so well and deservedly known. You are additionally correct in that you clearly warned subscribers about the non-political content that you expected to include in your newsletter.

That non-political content did not prevent me from subscribing; I must admit that I enjoy it as well. So, good of you to point out the warning and to allow folks to unsubscribe to the non-political material but I, for one, will continue to enjoy all of the content. Agree with all? Not a chance as that would be foolish to expect. Enjoy it all? Absolutely. Including when I meet up with something for which I was previously unaware.

So, as always, thank you.

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