My son, a political journalist in Ottawa (who has interviewed you) has commented to me, that you are the ‘best’ journalist in Canada, today. Quite a title! Am enjoying being a subscriber.

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And so say all of us.

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The other factor is that you are fun to read. One sign of an expert is that they can play while working.

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Thank you for filling the need for thoughtful journalism. It’s so nice to read your solid articles.

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Well done, Paul. You are always an insightful read!

Geoff Norquay

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I definitely appreciate your journalism and writing. Even if we do not see eye to eye on all topics or subjects. I am pretty much a populist as I support international human rights movements and movements as diverse as the truck convoy, the Fairy Creek old growth protests, local environmental NGOs and Indigenous land defenders.

And one key thing for me is that you do not engage in ad hominem attacks. I tire of political parties, governments and the media labeling people like me a communist, a hippie, a misogynist, a Nazi and a welfare bum. I might be a terrible person but I prefer it with creative and sugary words..lol

Wish continued growth of your news empire.

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Hi Paul, happy to be a subscriber. Personally I love the eclectic subject choices, and am particularly fond of your posts on jazz and classical music which pushes me to explore different artists. Canada dearly needs your voice and I am glad you have found success in this medium. Here’s to another successful year!

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You’ve had an impressive Year One - validating the support of your paid subscribers. The roster of always insightful, always interesting Canadian journalists isn’t a lengthy one. It’s reassuring to know that this model is working for you - & that we can continue to anticipate a couple of postings per week. Keep them coming!

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

Long-form journalism and informed #cdnpoli, #cdnecon, and a dose of the arts commentary lives here ... may it prosper well into the future. Congrats Paul, excited for your sophomore year!

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I'm happy things are going so well. I have followed your journalism forever (it seems) and am especially attracted by the sense of humour that makes all the sturm and drang bearable. I go all the way back to the day Chretien fired Paul Martin, thereby ruining your plans to watch a big hockey game, when CBC radio hauled you into the studio and you remarked, "Thanks, Jean!" I don't always agree with your analyses, but I do appreciate the overall tone and the intelligence you bring to your subjects.

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Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Really enjoy your views and questions on our political scene that goes beyond the din of headlines and tweets.

I hope you will further help better describe the ins and outs of the complexities of policy making - from idea to implementation, and also on risk management. My feeling is that most of us don’t appreciate these concepts to the full extent… if we did, we wouldn’t hear disproportionate disdain on social media towards those who are involved - from politicians to civil servants. IMO, a large part of the dissatisfaction among the population towards government actions stems from a lack of understanding the process. Governments should be doing a better job at explaining these things but they are falling short. Hope you can fill the void!


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Very good work. Insightful, delightfully mischievous at times, well-researched, on a wide range of subjects including arts and culture--all delivered with a wry sense of humour from a journalist who arguably has earned the right to laugh last. Please continue!

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Your acuity has been a great read, looking forward to future penmanship 📝👍🏻

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I'm taking my dividends and re-investing them in the company. Thanks for an entertaining and informative year.

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So worthwhile. Carry on.

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Always find your articles of interest and also like the eclecticism.

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Been a fan forever ... Macleans ... "Inkless Wells" ... CBC ... yours is a unique voice and we're all the better for it ... Please carry on.

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