I was looking forward to compare this interview with the one from CPAC in 2019.

Despite how different his situation is in both interviews, there's still some prevalent consistencies of the Jason Kenney personality; a truck driving, grass-roots, passionate Canadian focused on short-term gains over long-term bets.

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Once again I am struck by how poorly political parties chose their leaders, and how this nonsense of signing up members opens them up to being mobbed. Losing Kenney to national politics was bad enough (why wasn't he leader of the PCs?), but seeing him go down in Alberta was depressing.

Otherwise, nice to hear from an adult politician!

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A soft ball interview, I learned nothing new about the man. As a new subscriber, I am surprised I have to put up with lengthy commercials.

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The link to The Star Vancouver was paywalled.

The only news I ever read about Spotify, Apple, and Amazon, in the news, are abusive-business-practice complaints. Basically, "wherever I listen to podcasts" is "at the link to an MP3 file that they give me" - which works with Canadaland and Crooked Media. That's been possible for two Wells shows, now, but I'm stonkered on this one.

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Well, it did say "register for free", so I was let in - no doubt at the price of spam for life. Sigh.

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I am catching up on listening to podcasts, and in doing so just finished listening to your interview with Jason Kenney. It was excellent! I often do not get much out of interviews with politicians because of all the spin and talking points, but this was one that maintained my focus and interest throughout. I guess the fact that he was on his way out when the interview happened made him more introspective, honest, and straightforward, but the way you conducted the interview and interacted with him really helped make it so riveting and informative. Thanks!

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"Noted Toronto lifestyle magazine." Spicy.

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