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"He admired Stephen Harper’s decision to raise the age for retirement benefits, which the Trudeau government promptly reversed."

The two-year delay in receiving OAP would not affect those in Morneau's income class but rather those who have spent their lives in hard labour, or those who are close to the poverty line.

This leads me to suspect that Morneau's zeal for productivity increases reflects a euphemism for funneling more subsidies to the corporate elites that Morneau represents, rather than for spreading economic benefits to all.

Ironic that Morneau does not seem to understand how many of his pro-business policies have led to greater inequality and the rise of populism:

“Populism is not a political movement on its own. It is a reaction to feelings of alienation, a sense that power resides within some definition of social elites, unavailable to ‘ordinary people.’”

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It's like this. Countries like ppl need to learn to live within their means. You either suffer a little now or a lot later.

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Ppl don't own central banks!

See https://shar.es/afZ3WU

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He thought it was prudent to lay off on the entitlements for two years. Probably because he thinks Canada can't afford them with longer lifespans. But people are entitled to their entitlements, even if it is welfare by another name.

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Two bits: 1. Surely, given that the sponsors of this gig belong to the same club as Bill, Paul meant to say "begrudgingly accepted" instead of "admired." 2. Bill would've been more accurate had he said "the fact" instead of "a sense."

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