I enjoy listening to and watching Margaret when she does interviews. However I was surprised and disappointed to hear her believe that climate change is an existential threat. I realize I may get lots of flack for my views. But I support the approach Bjorn Lomborg and others who not only say we are not facing extinction, but the answer to climate change is to start putting more money into creating technologies that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels over time - over the next 100 years. In his opinion and mine there's far too much screaming about 'something must be done' without the actual doing. And so far wind and solar and the dream of having endless batteries for storing excess energy and having electric vehicle charging stations everywhere including in places of extreme weather conditions just are far from the best solutions.

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I loved this interview. It's so much nicer to hear the hard truths from someone with enough altitude to explain things without the hyperbole. Thank you for introducing me to Mrs. MacMillan.

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Is it true that BC is going with safe injection sites, but not accompanying it with rehab, whereas AB is doing both (similar to Portugal)? This will make for an interesting study.

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This polling is fascinating - great to finally see some surveys on this topic. Pollara does smart work!

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Now that I think about it, these numbers look similar to old polls I saw on homeless shelters. Support in the 60s-70s... dropping to 40s when faced with putting them in their neighbourhood.

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It's also one thing to say "sure" to a poll question in the moment, and another when it actually happens. Timely and relevant: https://globalnews.ca/news/9449409/boye-street-community-services-ritchie-health-hub/

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