The Trudeau cabinet, including Mr Miller, have lost control of this file.

Is the Trudeau cabinet so stupidly out of touch that they think new housing, water supply, sewer, roads, hospitals, schools etc can be built by waving a magic wand (or making an announcement!).

They have significantly harmed this country, and their incompetence on this file will be felt for a very long time. Mr Miller’s plans to cap immigration is not enough. Why are they not reducing immigration levels back to 2015 numbers to allow time for a re-balance. That is the question I want an answer to.

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Since we started not-training-doctors and not-building-housing in the nineties, have 30 years of governments all been out of touch?

The first 20 years of failure could have been addressed by plans in 2015 that were rolling in 2017 and bringing results now; yup. And they didn't do that, so throw them out.

Right after one thing - now, at least, they have plans, the one thing we need to toss them is for the OTHER side to ALSO have plans that independent economists say will work at least as well as the tardy plans now happening.

We have hints of those plans from Conservative premiers, perhaps? All of which strike me - on medicine, housing, and climate, as either less effective or even *counterproductive* than the paltry results so far. My vote's there, if they upgrade from slogans to position papers that economists devour. (And said scholars think they'll work even close to as well as the ones we've got.)

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I tapped the brakes when he said ‘we have gotten lazy as a country’. Fuck that. He and his government got lazy. Bumper sticker lazy.

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And ‘I’m not saying we deserve and A on this…’ Spit take material.

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The Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship oversees the number of immigrants coming to Canada, whether they are temporary or permanent. This federal Ministry, and not the provinces, obviously lost oversight of this number, and simply thought the more the merrier. There was no risk assessment as to what number would be too many, because there was little consideration given to the negative impact of having too many citizens wanting to access housing and health care. Minister Marc Miller admits this, and explains government is tackling the problem not by reducing the number, but merely capping it. His rationale being that at least the number of new immigrants will not grow exponentially.

He also a few times makes reference and expresses concern about Canada not being immune to the toxic situation in the United States where there is an uproar regarding immigration. What Minister Miller fails to mention, or possibly is not aware, the uproar in the US relates to10,000 ILLEGAL immigrants entering their southern border every day. That results in 3-4 million illegal immigrants per year. It is my understanding, only based on news media reports, that Canada does not have that problem, and therefore I fail to understand his suggestion a toxic whirlwind will result here.

As for McKinsey Consulting and Dominic Barton's influence in promoting their services. Of course, when consultants are hired, the goal is to create work for themselves. To suggest otherwise is naïve.

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I personally believe no one in the government bothered to tabulate how many people were coming in. They never set up systems to track it. And so they were shocked by how many it was just like everyone else.

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Trump routinely forgets the "illegal" adjective. His very first statement about Mexico "sending its people, they're not sending their best...rapists...crime" etc - the word "Illegal" never appeared. The remark about "shithole" countries was not referencing across-the-wall immigration, since Haitians and Africans must fly in. The Muslim Ban was not about illegal immigrants, but legal.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric popular on social media, by people not making speeches to get elected, *totally* forgets the "illegal" distinction. The most legal of non-White genes will still cause White Replacement, hence the preference for "non-shitholes".

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I shared this interview with a friend who was visiting this week from Washington D.C. and who wanted to understand if immigration had become a hot-button issue in Canada, as it has in the USA and in Europe. Regardless of what you think of the Liberal government's record on this file, it is real service to give a thoughtful Minister the time and space to explain his actions, without having to respond to gotcha questions from the interviewer. Pieces like this are a contribution to elevating the public conversation in Canada. Please do more of this.

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I've always liked Miller too. Paul, what are the odds that Marc would put in his name for a certain vacant position?

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It isn't vacant yet!😉 I agree…MM is a standout. I have always enjoyed his way of plain speaking…sans speaking points and not assuming we are incapable of understanding complex issues. Thanks for letting him speak at length, Paul.

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I have been impressed with this man since he was in charge of indigenous relations. He's well spoken but also plain spoken. Much more articulate and believable than Trudeau and a worthy successor if he ever decides to take a run at it. The Freakonomics Radio podcast last month examined the American immigration mess over three episodes and the host interviewed Mr. Miller in the final episode where he acquitted himself well.

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Mr Wells, sir:

Thank you for not slagging Miller:- it speaks well of you.

Thank younfor revealing the HUGE damage the formerly McKinsey-led/ Dominic Barton, AND ,...the then Tjr majority PM appointed as Canada's ambassador to China.

I'm sure you paying attention to the ongoing Parliament, poillievre recommended:- Investigation of foreign interference in our elections:- specifically the resultant minority results (of the Liberal Party), in their 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

Clearly, "We Chat"/ Chinese interference information was witheld by the Tjr/ PMO led quasi government., and now minority minority PM. This investigation is on ALL tv chanels, NOW.

As the current minority PM frantically announces "Loans", ( not actual hard funding), for housing; while simultaneously be- smerching (daily) ; every time his PM/ PMO invents more promises non-funded political regeime.

--All in aid of his passing his much delayed '2023 Buget; ...if it passes.

It appears that Tjr has descided to run, again. I approve of this. Canada voters can't wait to make their review of his " leadership" performance. Ther will be no legacy.

Also, in case Singh/ NDP is not reading/ watching, his party is falling fast in his 25 MP S&C deal with Tjr (the PM), bought and bribed deal to get his NDP MP's a Lifetime, gold plated; [6.5 years of Parliament MP service, to qualify:- by mid 2025.]

Why didn't the $400 Million funded Media Fund recipients publish/ analyse/investigate/ publish this.??

I await more work from you, Mr. Wells.

Keep it up. Please get on more commentary tv shows: ...soon.

Peter Marshall, Oakville.

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I thought all student visas had to be approved by the Federal government.

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Correct, Neil. Peter.

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Marc Miller got off fairly easily in this interview but I understand why, given he’s a guest and for the most part he answered the questions. It is amazing that by sounding intelligent and actually giving an answer to most questions it makes him seem like an amazing candidate for PM. I guess given the rest of the Cabinet, he’s a rockstar. Don’t get me wrong, I thought him much better than any other minister but he still got in his potshots. For example, when he suggested that we’re one inflammatory statement away from being like the US (going on memory here of what he said) that seemed to be a clear dog whistle to Trudeau’s comments about the Conservative party importing far right US politics. It is sad that we don’t expect all ministers to be at this standard.

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Everyone gets off easily on my pod. I'm not trying to collect trophies.

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Excellent interview!

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I always thought Miller was one of the few capable ministers and still do. Until during the interview you asked Miller “Did Dominic Barton's group influence the government's thinking on this sort of stuff? His response "I can't speak for other ministers, certainly not my thinking, although I respect the guy. I've only met him a couple times.” How can this be true that cabinet ministers Dominic Barton and Marc Miller only have met a couple of times? Are all cabinet meetings virtual now? I am intrigued if you can shed some light on this. Really really scary to that think any of cabinet minister only have spoken to another cabinet minister a couple of times. Do all their conversations have to be directed to Katie Telford who then relays them to the appropriate cabinet minister? You make think this comment is silly but this Liberal party is dysfuntional and yes they do have a comms problem if this is how they operte. Mark be honest some voters are are not stupid! I lost interest in the interview after Mark's comment on this.

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I'm not sure I understand the question. Barton hasn't been a cabinet minister. He was Canada's ambassador to China, which I find incomprehensible in itself, but he's never been a cabinet minister.

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Thank you very much for clarification and correcting my misread of the last name. My apologies as linked it with the other Dominic in Federal cabinet by mistake.

With an open mind I will continue listening to the rest of the interview as Miller is one of the best Liberal ministers in my opinion.

You can surmise that I am not enthralled with the performance of this incompetent Federal government.

Alway enjoy your great writing. Your interviews always interesting and informative.

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Dominic Barton was not a cabinet minister. He was not elected, but certainly had plenty of influence over government decision-making.

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Where is the LISTEN ON BUTTON?

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