Yes, solid writing takes time Paul and you are doing such a great job. Good to see on At Issue last night, querying absence of Ford testimony. Keep at it!

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Keep the good work coming. I am overwhelmed by the "noise" and the partisanship we see at CBC which has failed, in my view, to even slightly challenge the narrative of months ago. Sad but that is what one gets with a state-run broadcaster.

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Bravo, Paul.

The concept of taking time to do something well rather than rushing to a deadline! Wonderful!

I DO understand the need for deadlines but I similarly understand that rational and coherent thought and the need to coherently express those thoughts can take some considerable time, so thank you for your good work.

I am ever glad that I subscribed when I first heard about this column thingy of yours.

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Ha. I was really looking forward to seeing what you had to say and was wondering where your column was this morning. Thanks for letting us know it's coming. I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

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Anything you write is well worth a wait. Thanks Paul.

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Looking forward to your analysis! All of this is interesting and important, since it’s clear that trucker-type demonstrations are going to happen again unless an effective response is formulated and adopted as policy/ies. But first, it would be really nice to know why so much went wrong on so many levels during the first protest.

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Outstanding Paul. And thank you for sharing your insights.

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Mr. Wells, Keep up the real journalistic tradition! It seems to be dying in many sectors of our culture and it’s dead in others where demagogues and totalitarian regimes have taken over brutalizing/murdering those with nerve, courage and intelligence!

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1. Are we in the 21st century? Are the police authorities living in the same century?

2. Are the police (who are trained to enforce THE LAW) told and trained to shake hands and be friendly with law breakers? Where is the sense in all of it?

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Caught your act last night on the CBC panel. You left the regulars in the dust. Anyway that you could reserect the little dog-and-pony show you and Coyne used to do, and leave the others in the dust permanently?

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Is the post about the Trudeau government or the government? If the former, I’m opt interested.

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Certain it will be worth the wait. Great work so far on this and your other columns.

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Carry on ... regardless

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Always looking forward to your objective pieces.

Thank-you for your work 👏🏻👏🏻

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Can’t wait! I was just seeing if I could see her presentation as on the news I thought umm a thoughtful one!

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