Charming guy, but not a lot new there. There was an obligatory blame-dump on Trump (I thought he went a bit heavy on the "betrayal of trust" - when has it not been a bumpy relationship) then a steadily more confused discussion of some magical balancing of net-zero, oil-sands, hydro, carbon capture etc. Has he not noticed that Biden is out trying to buy extra oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia? After the pipelines were finally closed down? I doubt that anyone in Alberta or Saskatchewan will be comforted by his comments.

He was on steadier ground vis-a-vis "protectionism", but this is pretty well-trodden ground for US ambassadors.

Nice closer about the baseball.

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I want somebody to get cranky on an American ambassador for the time the two Michaels spent under 7x24 lights in solitary. Quite a bit of it, after Biden took office. But with that as a lead-in to talking about how we both have serious problems with China and Saudi Arabia, where we find ourselves having to do business with them, but they really are not our friends.

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It's interesting to read between the lines here. Biden has appointed a well-connected, very smooth guy who is a born flatterer of his audience. Canada is amazing. Trump was bad.

But when I think about it, it's the first time I've heard an American talking expansively about Quebec's hydro power in a long time. (When was the last time HYQU did a megaproject?) I'm old enough to remember when Quebec's earlier "energy superpower" fantasies of flooding most of Northern Quebec to supply the US Northeast were shot down by a coordinated push by environmentalists and First Nations.

My spidey sense tells me that Canadian hydroelectricity will be used as a shield by Biden administration against the Dems' enviro left wing as the US quietly imports a lot more Canadian oil to get prices down at the pump.

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I really enjoined your first podcast and it’s - unexpected - inaugural subject. The live audience feature was nice (even though it affects sound quality) and the jingle is really good! It felt relaxed. It was both interesting and funny. But I admit I thought you would get to the Michaels in China at some point.

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Glad to have seen this, and now to hear it again.

Looking forward to the next chats.

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Excellent job Paul

Thank you

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A good first podcast. I look forward to the next ones.

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