How much of a problem with housing is a problem of labour shortage or just excess demand for housing or some combination of the 2? When you are in a hole, the first thing you ought to do is stop digging. I think last year and this year, we let in more than 1 million people into the country. As you said, all of them need housing. Adding s…
How much of a problem with housing is a problem of labour shortage or just excess demand for housing or some combination of the 2? When you are in a hole, the first thing you ought to do is stop digging. I think last year and this year, we let in more than 1 million people into the country. As you said, all of them need housing. Adding so many people in such a short amount of time increases demand for housing and puts severe strain on the housing infrastructure. It also lets landlords increase rent as they have more people who want to rent their units. It seems reasonable to me to reduce the number of people coming into canada to a more manageable level. We must also understand that the people who end up coming here also run into the same problems with affordable housing that we suffer from. Is it ethical to let them come in such s crappy situation?
I also wonder, if the govt of canada tracks how many immigrants (permanent and non permanent residents) who come in directly work in the housing sector. They keep claiming that we need more immigrants to build housing but im not sure if they’ve ever produced hard numbers of how many (if any) actually work in housing. And when i say who work in the housing sector, i mean ones that directly help in building houses (eg contractor, labourer, civil engineer, architect, etc).
As for the labour shortage argument that i see, if we do acknowledge that there is a labour shortage that’s preventing us from building enough housing, then it’s incumbent on the govt to ensure that the existing labour is used as efficiently as possible to alleviate the housing crisis. In this case, it would make sense to reduce the incentives on developers in building more condos and on housing speculators buying real estate property to make a quick buck and increase incentives in getting more purpose built rental units getting built. One of the big problems i see here in toronto is that we have too many damn TINY condos and not enough rental units created specifically for renting. Not everyone can afford to buy a house.
How much of a problem with housing is a problem of labour shortage or just excess demand for housing or some combination of the 2? When you are in a hole, the first thing you ought to do is stop digging. I think last year and this year, we let in more than 1 million people into the country. As you said, all of them need housing. Adding so many people in such a short amount of time increases demand for housing and puts severe strain on the housing infrastructure. It also lets landlords increase rent as they have more people who want to rent their units. It seems reasonable to me to reduce the number of people coming into canada to a more manageable level. We must also understand that the people who end up coming here also run into the same problems with affordable housing that we suffer from. Is it ethical to let them come in such s crappy situation?
I also wonder, if the govt of canada tracks how many immigrants (permanent and non permanent residents) who come in directly work in the housing sector. They keep claiming that we need more immigrants to build housing but im not sure if they’ve ever produced hard numbers of how many (if any) actually work in housing. And when i say who work in the housing sector, i mean ones that directly help in building houses (eg contractor, labourer, civil engineer, architect, etc).
As for the labour shortage argument that i see, if we do acknowledge that there is a labour shortage that’s preventing us from building enough housing, then it’s incumbent on the govt to ensure that the existing labour is used as efficiently as possible to alleviate the housing crisis. In this case, it would make sense to reduce the incentives on developers in building more condos and on housing speculators buying real estate property to make a quick buck and increase incentives in getting more purpose built rental units getting built. One of the big problems i see here in toronto is that we have too many damn TINY condos and not enough rental units created specifically for renting. Not everyone can afford to buy a house.